
Showing posts from 2014

Creating a Wootz Seax: From Crucible Steel to Finished Knife

Making Wootz Steel

How accurate is radiocarbon dating?

How accurate is radiocarbon dating?

How Does Radiocarbon Dating Work? - Instant Egghead #28

Carbon Dating: (How) Does It Work?

UFO Alien Temple Found In India

How old are the Vedas? Detailed explanation given by Dr N Gopalakrishnan...

Ancient India From the Indus Valley Civilisation to Mughal Imperialism

The Indus Valley Civilization of India and Pakistan

History of Ancient India

Dwarka, India - 12,000 Year Old City of Lord Krishna Found

Ancient Indian Weapons

Ancient India's Engineering skills (BBC Documentary)

Indian Hindu Invention Of The Modern Number System

Technology of Spirituality